Low temperature radiant heating and cooling systems, associated with an efficient energy generator, are among the technologies that will drive italian cities towards a transition to environmental sustainability. That is one of the main point arosen by latest Stemi Report (acronym for Structure for the ecological transition of mobility and infrastructure) published in October by italian Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility (Mims). STEMI reasearch unit was established by the MIMS in order to select the best available options to achieve targets of sustainability as defined by Eu Green Deal and Fit for 55 package (55% reduction of greenhouse gas within 2030 and total elimination within 2050).
Building Energy Efficiency
IPCC considers sustainable mobility and buildings energy efficiency two cornerstones of ecological transition because transports and building industry account for more than half of the european energy consumption. In the next few years electric transportations and net zero energy buildings technologies will be broadly experimented in nine italian cities (Bergamo, Bologna, Firenze, Milano, Padova, Parma, Prato, Roma, Torino) to tackle global warming and to going carbon-negative. Low temperature radiant heating and cooling systems are discussed in the third chapter of Stemi Report that is dedicated to the world of construction industry. The section is edited by prof. Stefano Corgnati, professor of environmental physics at DENERG (Politecnico di Torino) and coordinator of the research unit that works along with Consorzio Q-RAD. Buildings are responsible for over 40% energy consumption in Europe, producing over 35% of EU greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve the sustainability objectives the report point out some actions for buildings energy saving:
- Reduction of thermal and cooling demand through buildings envelope and forced ventilation solutions, which are associated with the greatest potential for energy savings;
- Increasing building efficiency energy systems shifting from gas generator to reversible and electric heat pumps;
- Coverage of the remaining energy demand through the use of renewables source;
Constructions ecological transition, in Italy as probably elsewhere, will pass through a full-electric revolution.
Low temperature Radiant HVAC and Green Cities
Here is what Corgnati writes about the radiant heating and cooling systems:
“In order to increase the overall efficiency of the building energy system we should refer to some of the most recent technological innovations that are ready to use as low temperature radiant heating and cooling systems combined with efficiency regulation strategies and low temperature generators.(that are reversible) This approach is the best way to reduce overheating or undercooling in buildings interior environment and therefore limit the energy consumption but maximizing thermohygrometric comfort”.